Wednesday 22 July 2009

Tate - StIves

Bland, gray, stuffy, up-its-self, what more can I say about Tate StIves except maybe living on it`s name. Well, there was a bit of colour added if only for a day.

Tuesday 7 July 2009


Back from a trip to Barcelona. Tagged these spots.

Monday 6 July 2009

Money Tree - BBC

Money Tree – An object symbolising disgust and anger at waste and greed.
Over the last few months we have learned a lot about how licence fees are spent by the venerable BBC. The obscene fees for over-rated performers, the obnoxious and consistent greed of executives when filling in expences claims. I wanted to say something about this and created `Money Tree`, which has been fixed to the wall of BBC Manchester over the weekend. Welded mild steel, conctrete, resin and a Five-pound note. It represents the fruitfulness of the upper branches compared to the bareness of the lower levels. Concrete `notes` scattered around the base are the wasted fruit which are not used for constructive program making.